Fun stuff to try...

Have you tried...

  • To buy more breath spray at Quiki Mart when it's empty?
  • To turn off the bubbles [TURN OFF BUBBLES] or flipping the red switch while in the tub with Eve?
  • To give the bum outside Quiki Mart money?
  • To tell kenny, in Lefty's bar to [SHUT UP] while sitting next to him?
  • To flush the toilet in Lefty's restroom, save first, because you'll die?
  • To look at the city on Eve's balcony? [LOOK AT CITY] (I haven't tried this on new version)
  • To look at the fire hydrant in front of the disco?
  • To kick the dog when he's approaching?
  • To tell the cabbie to take you home? [HOME] (AGI version), save first, results in death.

    Have you tried...

  • To look at the sidewalk [LOOK AT SIDEWALK] in front of the Molto Lira store?
  • To watch for the eyeball that appears at the knothole in the alley beside Quiki Mart?
  • To piss in the same alley? First, walk up to the trash bin, the up to the wall, then south against the trashbin, and then east.
  • To see the clerk in Swab's Drugs pick his nose?
  • To see the Seagulls shit on the ground? When you're standing in front of the purser, wait around a bit.
  • To screw the maid in the resort room on the island you strand on after the shipwreck? [SCREW MAID], save first, results in death.
  • To piss on the glacier? Enter the opening on the lower left opening on the screen until you're completely out of the screen, then go north, and then east.
  • To cheat? Type "cheat"

    Have you tried...

  • To smoke a joint? [ROLL JOINT] after you've picked the weed.
  • To go to the changing cabana (go right behind the stairs of the casino) when Al Lowe and Bil Skirvin are standing there? Just wait until a woman arrives and changes in a stall WITHOUT door.
  • Tp cheat? Type "cheat"

    Have you tried...

  • To turn you back to the water cooler in PornProdCorp? Walk up to the cooler and then north.
  • To watch the girls in the airport fight? Walk up to them in the middle screen, until they're both gone, then go right.

    Have you tried...

  • To knock on the doors in the hallway?
  • To talk to yourself a few times?
  • To dial 911 with your room phone?
  • To click your zipper on the drinks under the window in the Blues Bar?
  • To wait in the shower room on top of the waterjets? Try this while wearing your towel and while wearing your suit.
  • To stand behind the truck in the kitchen and then click the zipper icon on it?

  • To turn on the Cellulite Drainage Machine when you haven't lubed the piston?
  • To go to the pool and the Health Spa Lobby when you haven't wiped your ass in the bathroom, save first.

    Have you tried...

  • To look at Peggy's chest? (click on it, select "other" and then type "look".
  • To enter psychadelic mode, by pressing CONTROL+P twice?
  • To buy drinks at Johnson's bar? (select "A cocktail")
  • To flush the toilet in you room seven times?

    Go to the Main Page!