What's New on this page?
You can contact me by the following :
ICQ = 12961599

What's new?
30 September : V 1.00 release :-D.
30 September : Own points lists.
30 September : Own walkthroughs.
30 September : CyberSniff moved to LSL7 walkthrough.
30 September : Have you tried? sections.
30 September : Lots of screenshots.
30 September : More midi's from QuestStudios, thanks a ton, Tom!
30 September : A new Egg file.
30 September : Save game files for Leisure Suit Larry 6 LO-RES.
4 April : New midi's from QuestStudios
4 April : Leisure Suit Larry in Other Games
4 April : Leisure Suit Larry 4!?!
4 April : Definate, COOL frames version!
4 April : Removed Auto-midi player due to LOTS of bugs
Coming soon
(I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've heard that)
The Girls Of Leisure Suit Larry!
Bugs (yes there are some minor bugs in LSL games, fun to track them down)
Screenshots of LSL7
A Duke Nukem 3d La Costa Lotta level!
A message board
Some information about me......
Well that's it for now.
Return to the main page!
The Leisure Suit Larry Lounge is copyright © by BlackStar
Leisure Suit Larry is copyright © by Sierra On-Line